Monday, January 11, 2010

I dont know if im scard or depresed or even both.I just dont know how to deal with the pain that is going on.It's makes me even more depresed when that person or the loved ones around that person cry or get scard... It just makes me more emotional. What am i going to do? i cry and think bout all the worries and sadness. I can't imagine how they feel. I bet it's way worse for them... how do i know what god will bring to me and the cancer children? What's going to happen to all the loved ones of them? How do i know im might be one? these are thje qustions i ask my self...

1 comment:

  1. It's normal to be scared when hearing about these sorts of things, but I'm grateful to know that this life is but a small moment in the grand scheme of things and that Heavenly Father knows ALL of us and each and every thing we are going through and will ever go through in this life. He is ALWAYS there for us, waiting for us to come to him in prayer to talk to him, to ask him for his strength and peace. Since we found out about our son, I personally have been starting each morning on my knees asking Him to grant me strength to get through the day and to provide peace to my mind and my heart. I know that this year is going to be very difficult but I know that He will always be there for me and I can see his hand working through my caring family and friends... even complete strangers! There are many blessings that can come from grief and dealing with the struggles that we have in our lives. Know that you are loved and that He will NEVER give us more than we can handle. Thank you for being such a caring young woman! *HUGS*
